Applied Behavior Analysis & Therapy Chicago, IL 

Who We Are

A First Step Towards Hope ABA Services LLC is driven first, and foremost, by the motivation to serve others. It is our belief that in addition to the science of behavior analysis, collaborative and supportive relationships of all people invested in the learner results in the most effective outcomes.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist individuals ages 2-21 years old in need of behavioral modification. Through the use of evidence-based, behavior analytic procedures the goal is to extinguish maladaptive behaviors, and increase socially appropriate behaviors, teach new skills, and assist in each individual reaching their full potential. We hope not only to improve the lives of each individual, but each family that we serve. Our staff commits to collaborate and support caregivers through the process and take the first step towards hope, together.

Philosophy Statement

It is scientifically proven that human behavior influences human behavior. It has also been proven that the establishment and maintenance of ‘positive’ relationships are influential in not only therapeutic progress, but in life itself. It is our belief that all individuals invested in a person have something to contribute to increase the probability of that learner’s success. Relationships that form for the purpose of achieving progress that has not been seen in the past, is the ultimate goal. In addition to the scientific knowledge and application of ABA, we believe relationships are the root of success.

“Hope is a favorable and confident expectation; it’s an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen and things will work out, no matter what situation you are facing.”
(Joyce Meyers, 2021)